
AR 385-10 The Army Safety Program

米陸軍の安全管理規則です。航空事故の区分(Accident and incident classes)が規定されています。


3-1 序 論

This chapter provides policy and assignment of responsibilities for the initial notification, investigation, reporting, and recordkeeping of Army mishaps. This chapter implements the provisions of DoDI 6055.07 and 29 CFR 1904.39.
この章では、陸軍の事故に関する速報、調査、報告、および記録保持に関する方針と責任の割り当てを示す。DoDI 6055.07および29 CFR 1904.39の規定を準用する。

3–9 事故の分類

Use mishap classes to determine the appropriate safety investigation and reporting requirements. Mishap classes are listed in paragraphs 3–9a through 3–9f.

a. Class A mishap. An Army mishap in which—
a. クラスAの事故。以下の場合の陸軍の事故—
(1) An injury and/or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability (as defined in the glossary); or
(1) 怪我および/または職業病が死亡または永久的な完全障害(用語集で定義されているとおり)を生じさせる;または
(2) A manned Army aircraft is either destroyed, missing, or abandoned; or
(2) 有人の陸軍航空機が破壊される、行方不明になる、または放棄される;または
(3) The resulting total cost of property damage to Government and other property is $2.5 million or more.
(3) 政府およびその他の財産への損害の総費用が250万ドル以上であるもの。

b. Class B mishap. An Army mishap in which—
b. クラスBの事故。以下の場合の陸軍の事故—
(1) An injury and/or occupational illness results in permanent partial disability (as defined in the glossary); or
(1) 怪我および/または職業病が永久的な部分障害(用語集で定義されているとおり)を生じさせる;または
(2) Three or more personnel are hospitalized as inpatients as the result of a single occurrence; or
(2) 一つの事案により3名以上の人員が入院する;または
(3) The resulting total cost of property damage to Government and other property is $600,000 or more but less than $2.5 million.
(3) 政府およびその他の財産への損害の総費用が60万ドル以上250万ドル未満であるもの。

c. Class C mishap. An Army mishap in which—
c. クラスCの事故。以下の場合の陸軍の事故—
(1) A nonfatal injury or occupational illness results in 1 or more days away from work or training beyond the day or shift on which it occurred; or
(1) 非致命的な怪我や職業病が発生し、発生した日またはシフトを超えて1日以上の休業または訓練の中断を生じさせる;または
(2) Temporary disability ensues at any time thereafter, resulting in days away from work and does not meet the definition of class A or B; or
(2) その後、いつでも一時的な障害が発生し、休業日を生じさせるが、クラスAまたはBの定義を満たさない;または
(3) The resulting total cost of property damage to Government and other property is $60,000 or more but less than $600,000.
(3) 政府およびその他の財産への損害の総費用が6万ドル以上60万ドル未満であるもの。

d. Class D mishap. An Army mishap in which—
d. クラスDの事故。以下の場合の陸軍の事故—
(1) A nonfatal injury or illness which results in days of restricted work, or transfer to another job, or medical treatment greater than first aid; or
(1) 非致命的な怪我または病気が発生し、業務の制限、他の職務への移動、または応急処置を超える医療処置を生じさせる;または
(2) Medical/clinical duties result in needle stick injuries or cuts from medical instruments contaminated by blood or other potentially infectious material; or
(2) 医療/臨床業務により、血液やその他の感染性物質で汚染された医療器具からの針刺し傷や切り傷が発生する;または
(3) Medical removal is required under medical surveillance requirements of an OSHA standard; or
(3) OSHA基準の医療監視要件に基づき、医療的な移動が必要となる;または
(4) Occupational hearing loss exceeds the threshold shift established by 29 CFR 1910.95 and DoDI 6055.12; or
(4) 職業性聴力損失が29 CFR 1910.95およびDoDI 6055.12で定められた閾値シフトを超える;または
(5) Tuberculosis is contracted associated with work; or
(5) 業務に関連して結核に感染する;または
(6) The resulting total cost of property damage is $25,000 or more but less than $60,000.
(6) 損害の総費用が2万5千ドル以上6万ドル未満であるもの。

e. Class E mishap. An Army mishap in which total cost of property damage is $5,000 or more, but less than $25,000.
e. クラスEの事故。財産損害の総費用が5千ドル以上2万5千ドル未満である陸軍の事故。

f. Class F aviation incident. An aviation incident confined to aircraft turbine engine and drone engine damage due to unavoidable internal or external foreign object (does not include installed aircraft auxiliary power units).
f. クラスF航空事故。航空機タービン・エンジンおよびドローン・エンジンの回避不可能な内部または外部の異物による損傷に限定された航空事故(搭載済みの航空機用APUを含まない)。

g. Class G mishap. Biological mishaps are classified as an Army class G biological mishaps, see paragraph 20–12.
g. クラスGの事故。生物学的事故は陸軍のクラスG生物学的事故として分類される。20–12節を参照せよ。

h. Class H mishap. Chemical mishaps are classified as an Army class H chemical mishap, see paragraph 21–5.
h. クラスHの事故。化学事故は陸軍のクラスH化学事故として分類される。21–5節を参照せよ。

i. Reporting. Report events meeting the definition of an Army mishap using established mishap reporting methods, see figure 3–1.
i. 報告。陸軍事故の定義を満たす事案が発生した場合は、規定された事故報告手段により報告すること。図3–1を参照せよ。


3-1 序 論

This chapter provides policies and procedures for initial notification, investigating, and reporting of Army accidents and incidents.


3-2 方 針

Army policy is to investigate and report Army accidents to prevent like occurrences. All Army accidents will be investigated, reported (to include immediate notification as specified in this regulation), and analyzed according to the requirements of this regulation, DA Pam 385–40, the USACR/Safety Center use and preparation guides, and other USACR/Safety Center-developed tools for accident investigation and reporting (see https://safety.army.mil).

陸軍の方針は、同種事案の発生を防止するため、軍の事故を調査し、報告することにある。すべての軍の事故は、この規則、DA Pam385-40、USACRC(米陸軍コンバット・レディネス・センター)利用及び準備ガイド、及びその他のUSACRC作成の事故調査及び報告ツールの要件に従って調査し、報告し、分析しなければならない(https://safety.army.milを参照のこと)。

3-3 陸軍事故

An Army accident is defined as an unplanned event, or series of events, which results in one or more of the following:
a. Occupational illness to Army military or DA Civilian personnel.
b. Injury to on-duty DA Civilian personnel.
c. Injury to Army military on duty or off duty.
d. Damage to Army property.
e. Damage to public or private property and/or injury or illness to non-Army personnel caused by Army operations (the Army had a causal or contributing role in the accident).

a 陸軍の軍人又は軍属への公務上の傷病
b 課業中の陸軍軍属の負傷
c 課業中又は課業外の陸軍軍人の負傷
d 陸軍の財産の損害
e 陸軍の運用(陸軍が事故に因果関係がある場合)に起因する公的又は私的財産への損傷、若しくは陸軍以外の人員の負傷又は病気

3-4 事故及び不安全の区分

Accident classes are used to determine the appropriate investigative and reporting procedures. Accident classes are as follows:


a クラスA事故

An Army accident in which—
(1) The resulting total cost of property damage is $2 million or more;
(2) An Army aircraft is destroyed, missing, or abandoned; or
(3) An injury and/or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability.
Note. Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) accidents are classified based on the cost to repair or replace the UAS. A destroyed, missing, or abandoned UAS will not constitute a Class A accident unless replacement or repair cost is $2 million or more.

(1) 200万ドル以上の財産への損害

b クラスB事故

An Army accident in which—
(1) The resulting total cost of property damage is $500,000 or more but less than $2 million;
(2) An injury and/or occupational illness results in permanent partial disability; or
(3) When three or more personnel are hospitalized as inpatients as the result of a single occurrence.


c クラスC事故

An Army accident in which—
(1) The resulting total cost of property damage is $50,000 or more but less than $500,000;
(2) A nonfatal injury or occupational illness that causes 1 or more days away from work or training beyond the day or shift on which it occurred; or
(3) Disability at any time (that does not meet the definition of Class A or Class B and is a day(s)-away-from-work case).


d クラスD事故

An Army accident in which—
(1) The resulting total cost of property damage is $20,000 or more but less than $50,000;
(2) A nonfatal injury or illness results in restricted work, transfer to another job, medical treatment greater than first aid, needle stick injuries, and cuts from sharps that are contaminated from another person’s blood or other potentially infectious material, medical removal under medical surveillance requirements of an OSHA standard, occupational hearing loss; or
(3) A work-related tuberculosis case.


e クラスE航空事故

An Army aviation accident in which the resulting total cost of property damage is $5,000 or more but less than $20,000.


f クラスF航空事故

Recordable incidents are confined to aircraft turbine engine damage because of unavoidable internal or external foreign object damage, where that is the only damage (does not include installed aircraft auxiliary power units). These incidents will be reported using DA Form 2397–AB (Abbreviated Aviation Accident Report (AAAR) for All Class C, D, E, F, Combat A and B, and All Aircraft Ground); check “F” in the “Accident Classification” block.



発行:Headquarters Department of the Army 2023年07月

翻訳:影本賢治, アビエーション・アセット






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