
MCTP 3-20A Aviation Logistics



【部分対訳】Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron

The MALS is the tactical AVLOG organization of the Marine Corps and is responsible for providing intermediate-level (I-level) maintenance, supply, ordnance/armament, and information technology systems support for aircraft and aeronautical equipment.
MALS(Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron, 海兵航空兵站支援隊, マルスと発音)とは、航空機および航空器材に関するI(Intermediate, 中間)レベルの整備、補給、武装整備およびITシステム・サポートを行う海兵隊の戦術航空支援部隊である。

Each MALS provides a core group of supervisory and support personnel, which, when augmented by aircraft-specific maintenance personnel from aircraft squadrons, provides an intermediate maintenance capability for either fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft.

See figure 1-1.

Maintenance Levels

Commander, Naval Air Forces Instruction 4790.2, The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), and Chief of Naval Operations Instruction (OPNAVINST) 8000.16, Naval Ordnance Maintenance Management Program (NOMMP), support CNO/Commandant of the Marine Corps (hereafter referred to as the Commandant) readiness and safety objectives and provide for optimum use of manpower, facilities, materiel, and funds.

Detailed information regarding funding can be found in Department of the Navy Staff Offices Manual P-3013-1, Financial Management of Resources Fund Administration (Operating Forces); Marine Corps Order P4400.177, Marine Corps Aviation Supply Desk-Top Procedures with Continuous Process Improvement; and Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) P-485, Operational Forces Supply Procedures.

The naval aviation maintenance program (NAMP)/ naval ordnance maintenance management program operate on three levels of maintenance— organizational level (O-level), I-level, and depot level (D-level)—and govern management of all levels of aviation and aeronautical equipment maintenance and ordnance.
海軍航空整備プログラムおよび海軍武装整備プログラムにおいては、すべての段階の航空及び航空機材ならびに武装の整備が、O(Operational,運用)レベル、I(Intermediate, 中間)レベル、D(Depot, 補給処)レベルの3つの整備段階区分に従って運用・管理される。

The programs provide the management tools required for efficient and economical use of personnel and materiel resources in performing maintenance.

They also provide the basis for establishing standard organizations, procedures, and responsibilities for accomplishing all maintenance on naval aircraft, associated materiel, and equipment.

The division of maintenance into the three levels allows management to—

 Classify maintenance functions by levels.
 整備機能を段階ごとに分類すること

 Assign responsibility for maintenance functions to a specific level.
 整備機能に各段階ごとの責任を割り当てること

 Assign maintenance tasks consistent with the complexity, depth, scope, and range of work to be performed.
 各整備機能に作業の複雑さ、深さ、範囲に応じた整備項目を割り当てること

 Accomplish any particular maintenance task or support service at a level that ensures optimum economic use of resources.
 すべての整備作業および支援業務を最も経済的に資源を活用する段階において遂行すること

 Collect, analyze, and use data to assist all levels of NAMP management.
 すべての段階における海軍航空整備プログラムの実施に必要なデータを収集、分析および使用すること

Information technology systems are a critical enabler across all levels of maintenance.

Organizational-Level Maintenance

Organizational-level maintenance is performed daily by operating units (squadrons) in support of their operations.

The O-level maintenance mission is to maintain assigned aircraft and aeronautical equipment in a full mission-capable status while continuing to improve the local maintenance process.

While O-level maintenance may be done by I-level or D-level activities, O-level maintenance is usually accomplished by maintenance personnel assigned to aircraft squadrons.

Generally, O-level maintenance can be grouped under the following categories:

 Inspections.
 点検

 Servicing.
 給脂

 Handling.
 取り扱い

 On-equipment corrective and preventive maintenance, including repair, removal, and replacement of defective components.
 不具合の発生した構成品の修理、取り外し、交換などの航空器材の故障および予防整備

 Class V(A) [aviation ammunition] ordnance loading/unloading and arming/dearming.
 航空用第5種補給品(航空弾薬)の装てん・抜弾および活性化・非活性化

 Incorporation of technical directives.
 技術指令の適用

 Recordkeeping and reports preparation.
 履歴の記録および報告

 Age exploration of aircraft and equipment under reliability-centered maintenance (RCM).
 RCM(reliability-centered maintenance, 信頼性中心保全 )に基づく機体および器材の劣化調査

Intermediate-Level Maintenance

Intermediate-level maintenance is the responsibility of and performed by designated maintenance activities, usually the MALS.

The I-level maintenance mission is to enhance and sustain the combat readiness and mission capability of supported activities by providing quality and timely materiel support at the nearest location with the lowest practical resource expenditure.

Intermediate-level maintenance consists of on- and off-equipment materiel support and may be grouped under the following categories:

 Performance of maintenance on aeronautical components and related support equipment and EAF components.
 航空器材および関連支援器ならびにEAF(Expeditionary Aerospace Force, 機動展開航空宇宙部隊)関連器材の整備の実施

 Calibration of designated equipment.
 指定された器材の校正

 Processing aircraft components from stricken aircraft.
 損傷した機体からの構成品の回収

 Providing technical assistance to supported units.
 被支援部隊に対する技術援助の実施

 Incorporation of technical directives.
 技術指令の適用

 Manufacture of selected aeronautical components, liquids, and gases (cryogenics).
 指定された航空機用構成品、液体および気体(低温状態)の製造

 Performance of on-aircraft maintenance when required.
 必要な場合における機体上での整備の実施

 Age exploration of aircraft and equipment under RCM.
 RCM(reliability-centered maintenance, 信頼性中心保全 )に基づく機体および器材の劣化判断

 Munitions assembly and receipt, issue, storage, and inventory.
 弾薬組立、受領、交付、保管および在庫管理

 Off-equipment corrective and preventive maintenance, including repair, removal and replacement of defective components.
 取り外された状態の構成品の修理、不具合の発生した構成品の取り外しおよび交換を含む故障および予防整備

Depot-Level Maintenance

Depot-level maintenance is performed at naval aviation industrial establishments to ensure continued flying integrity of airframes and flight systems during subsequent operational service periods.

Depot-level maintenance is also performed on materiel requiring major overhaul or rebuilding of parts, assemblies, subassemblies, and end items.

It includes manufacturing parts, modifying, testing, inspecting, sampling, and reclamation.

Depot-level maintenance supports O-level and I-level maintenance by providing engineering assistance and performing maintenance beyond the capabilities of the other levels.

Depot-level maintenance functions are grouped under the following categories:

 Standard D-level maintenance of aircraft.
 航空機の標準的Dレベル整備の実施

 Rework and repair of engines, components, and support equipment.
 エンジン、構成品および支援器材の改修及び修理

 Calibration by Navy calibration laboratories.
 海軍校正機関における校正

 Incorporation of technical directives.
 技術指令の適用

 Modification of aircraft, engines, and default support equipment.
 航空機、エンジンおよび標準支援器材の改修

 Manufacture or modification of parts or kits.
 部品またはキットの製造または改修

 Technical and engineering assistance by field teams.
 現地派遣班による技術援助

 Armament of aircraft and equipment under RCM.
 RCM(Aviation Radio and Radar Countermeasures Technician, 航空機用自己防護装置技術者)の統制下での航空機への器材の搭載

 Rework of EAF components.
 EAF(Expeditionary Aerospace Force, 機動展開航空宇宙部隊)関連構成品の改修

出典 Aviation Logistics 2017年版


発行:Headquarters United States Marine Corps 2020年10月






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